Accelerated Bridge Construction Benefits Bridge Projects Everywhere
Time is money. When you’re talking about a large bridge project, a big timeline or extended construction schedule equates to big money. With the increasing amount of crumbling infrastructure scattered across the US, innovative solutions such as Accelerated Bridge Construction, commonly referred to as ABC, found its place among bridge contractors over two decades ago. According to the Federal Highway Association (FHWA), 1 out of 4 of the 600,000+ bridges in the US needs repaired or replaced altogether. Through significant collaboration between the Transportation Research Board, the FHWA, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation officials and academic/industry partners, bridge repair and replacement processes are seeing much needed positive advancements.
How can ABC help to ease the challenge of bridge repair/replacement?
Minimizes disruption to traffic flow by using strategic planning, design, techniques and prefabricated bridge components. Traditional bridge projects often result in large economic losses to commercial and industrial businesses in surrounding areas, negative effect to employee productivity for commuters in the area, challenges for health/safety professionals such as police/ambulance service, and disruptions to utility services.
Minimizes time duration needed in dangerous work zones. 2000 fatal accidents occur in work zones per year with 44% of injuries to bridge workers involving being struck by vehicles. ABC allows faster repair/replacements and thus less time where workers are exposed to risk.
Prefabricated bridge components are manufactured in off-site, quality controlled facilities and transported to the site ready to assemble. The bridge components are highly durable, cost effective and enjoy long service lives with minimal maintenance requirements. PCI certified bridge components adhere to especially stringent industry standards for quality.
In the Gulf South region, PCI certified producers have been instrumental in providing prefabricated bridge components for bridges across the region. Significant weather events make it even more important to build structures that will withstand not only time but also extreme weather.
I-110 Loop Bridge
Gulf Coast Prestress
Biloxi Bay Bridge
Gulf Coast Prestress
Bay St. Louis Bridge
F-S Prestress
Photo by Frank Kovalchek